Monday, January 11, 2010

Extreme Makeover Home Edition

I’ve been selected to volunteer for Extreme Makeover. They are reconstructing a home in Kemah for a family who’s house was destroyed by Hurricane IKE. Read the story here

I will be volunteering this Wednesday and Thursday. I’m pretty excited and looking forward to what they have in store for me. Since the reveal is on Thursday I’m thinking that they are going to have me as part of the cleanup crew. Even better if I am part of the decorating crew!

If you are a follower of the show you know that this season they have been featuring a star to assist in the construction. This will be another great surprise to look forward to. What is really neat is since I have been selected they are keeping us updated via email on up to the minute details. Unfortunately they have told us to leave all cameras at home. No cameras will be allowed on set. BUMMER! I can totally understand why though. The experience itself will be a great story to tell. Look forward to coming back to share on Friday.

1 comment:

Scrapbookallie said...

How fun will that be? Can't wait to hear all about it.