Sunday, November 23, 2008
A day to remember and new hope

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Why do I always wait to the last minute to get things done? Because my life never slows down - thats why!
I have recently stayed up the last couple of night trying to finish some recipe swaps and giftie swaps with some of my crafting friends. Every year I say I am going to get it done early and I don't. Maybe I could get it done early, but it's all of the other things I undertake that add to getting them done. Or just maybe I have to have my hands in everything that I can not say no to something. Yea - that sounds about right!
So these are the things I am working on for the next two weeks.
- Recipe Swaps
- Giftie Swaps
- Ornament Exchange
- Cookie Sheet calendar
I know it doesn't mean anything to my non-scrapping friends and family, but if your fortunate to receive one of these gifts you will understand. I have posted some candids of some of my recipe swap pages. Thanks to my friends Holli and Kareena for coming over and helping me with cutting the pieces for the front page and supplying the paper.
I was asked by one of my old neighbors to make some wine charms for her husband's 40th birthday which is this Saturday. His small 40th birthday has turned out to be a big shindig! Can't wait to see the festivities on Saturday.
Meanwhile another night will come soon and you will find me in my dungeon office with paper scraps around me. I leave you with the quote below.
Creative clutter is better than idle neatness.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Dewberry Farms
Some friends, Samantha, and I went out Saturday evening and I was truly impressed with what they have out there now. Samantha called it a country amusement park. They have something for every age group, which makes it great for the parents. Samantha and her friend did the zip line, farm flinger, walked through the corn maze twice, swung on the black momba, rolled in the large crate wheel, and ended with a pumpkin stroll. The pumpkin stroll was awesome. I tried to take the pictures, but I did not have my camera adjusted correctly for night pictures and I could not see out there. I have posted a few that were presentable. There were several themes in the pumpkin stroll: all about Texas, sports, politics, cartoons, and scary.
Next year I think I will buy a season pass and hit Dewberry on the weekends for fun. There was some great eating too: turkey legs, roasted corn, kettle korn, and homebaked goods. I am sure next year there will be another addition to this farm pasture attraction. Like the movie "Field of Dreams"....if you build it they will come.
Halloween 2008
Regardless, Samantha scored some candy stash and enjoyed the evening with her friend. I almost thinking this may be her last year trick or treating. Although, I did see quite a few older kids out.
She dressed up as an Aqua Fairy, or as I called it a mermaid costume with wings. I did her make up and we sprayed her hair blue, which you could not really see at night unless she was in the light. Hector stayed at home and passed out the candy. He even mentioned there was not a big turn out, but like I mentioned half the neighbors were gone.
So next year my plan is to have our street be the haunted house street. I guess I need to start working on the props.