Monday, March 2, 2009

BIG 11!

Samantha turns 11 today! little girl is not so little anymore. Literally, she will pass me up this summer for sure.
The day will be low key, but she will have some friends over for a slumber party on Friday to celebrate her belated birthday.

Samantha has been such a great girl, we couldn't of been blessed with a better child.
This is a shout out to Samantha - Ten Things I Love About You:

  • You have a strong empathy towards others. Which means you really care about how someone feels about what you say or others say to them.
  • You are such a mom and dad's girl. Although you tend to lean more towards your dad, but that's okay.
  • You are good at doing your chores. We may have to coax you couple of times, but you get it done.
  • You love to entertain, just like your mom.
  • You are getting really computer and graphic saavy.
  • You have a great eye for fashion. Keep that dream of going to fashion school alive.
  • You are a great sister to your four-legged brother and sisters.
  • You love to travel like mom and dad.
  • You have a great eye for art and creating, I just have to push you sometimes.
  • You are a great student and never have given dad and I any reason to question your homework ethics.

Enjoy your day Samantha and get ready to party on Friday!


The best family a person could ask for! said...

AWW that is the sweetest thing a mom could say. You all are truley blessed with each other. I hope I will be able to say those things about Nathaniel at 11.

Arcalee said...

This is Samantha and I love you mommy for saying all these stuff and thank you for everything and putting me on your blog I feel so special. :) love you!!!

Misty said...

Happy Birthday Samantha!