Thursday, August 20, 2009

Creative Bucket

I made this craft bucket for a friend. She participated in one of my scrapbook challenges, which I hold on a scrapbook site I host.

I took me forever to come up with a clever idea. I did not want to just send her scrapbook products. I finally decided to alter a plain rubbermaid plastic box that she could use at crops or scrapbook events. I painted the ugly blue box, decoupaged some craft embellishements on the front of the lid, punched holes in the side to add a beaded handle, and added some initials. It only took me 3 months to get it to her.

She also won the May challenge. I'm cooking up another creative idea now! Hopefully she will get it in her hands next month.

1 comment:

staskym said...

What a really cute idea!!!