Sunday, December 27, 2009

A goal without a plan is just a wish

A goal without a plan is just a wish.....

That was today's homily (sermon) in church. The visiting deacon made the comment with each coming New Year everyone makes resolutions and never lives by them. Guilty! He said as followers of God we needed to become good Christians in our home and outside of our home. Beginning with our family, what can we do for each other? What can we do for our extended brothers and sisters in our community? The family needs to make resolutions together, those they can live by and have them written where they are seen everyday. Make commitments outside of our home to assist the needy, volunteer with special groups, or donate money if time does do not allow for you to volunteer.

I have given time to my church by volunteering to teach catechism on Wednesday nights. I would like to do something in 2010 that me and my family can do together. One of my goals and it will be written is to volunteer at the food bank or SPCA (although this can be dangerous for me - I'd come home with them all).

I see 2010 as a properous New Year for us all, but we have to share the wealth even if it is with time and commitment!


SweetmamaK said...

love it- Very inspirational and good food for thought. I'll bring up this idea to the family.

Scrapbookallie said...

Great Sermon....we really need to do this don't we? I will try better!